The 8th Hard Thing

I decided to begin again, today. To start a blog. And then I came upon this, my old (very small) blog and a new decision needed to be made: start new or continue the old?

I don’t really know the right answer, like I don’t know much of anything, not anymore. So, here I am, adding a stream of consciousness post to my old (very small) blog.

There are many days when I believe I have nothing new to say. But there are also the occasional days when I’m sure that I do.

I sometimes write poetry that I sometimes want to share. Maybe I’ll continue to do that here. But I think it will be more. I think this blog will be, for me, a place to express in words, how life has been from my perspective. I probably need a place to do that, a place that’s mine, a place where I use my voice regardless of who is or isn’t listening.

I hope to motivate my mid-life brain to learn how to do this well, this online sharing in this particular format. So hopefully I’ll add a picture here and there and maybe figure out how to make my page look inviting.

Yet my goal is not aesthetics; I want for the odd human who stumbles across what I share here to not feel so alone, as if they are the only one. And if many visit and read and find solace, all the better.

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