I dream drowning and


telling myself it’s over,

think of

something else-

light, laughter


closing my eyes

the darkness floods in

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Books, etc

I’m knee deep in books these days- they are piled in various places throughout the house, library books along with my newest bookstore finds. I thought I’d share a few favorites and some of my thoughts.

Cured by Jeffery Rediger M.D.

This is an encouraging read about spontaneous healing. Dr. Rediger relays a number of stories of individuals who, after being diagnosed with an incurable illness, defy the odds and experience complete remission. All used their diagnoses as an opportunity and made sweeping changes on their path to radical healing. Rediger concludes: “… to reach new depths of recovery, we have to heal the following: our diets, our immune systems, our stress responses, and our identities.” This book is chock full of ideas and hope. Definitely a worthwhile read.

A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles

This is a bestseller by the author of Rules of Civility. It would be an understatement to say that Towles is a master of the English language. I actually began listening to this book but soon felt that I was missing out by not reading it myself. I’m happy I decided to grab it from the library and lose myself in the world of Count Alexander Rostov and the goings on in the Metropol hotel in 1920’s Moscow, where the Count is sentenced to house arrest. Rather than restricting his experience of life, the Count’s plight opens innumerable opportunities to truly live. I am enjoying this one very much!

The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown

I don’t often find myself reading a book for the third time, but that’s exactly what’s happening here. The subtitle, “Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are” is spot on as this book delivers, elucidating a well-researched path to freedom from “shoulds” and encouragement for living a wholehearted life. I have learned a lot from Brown’s hard won wisdom and highly recommend her.

I’d love to know what you’re reading!

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I am a river

flowing on and on

in spite of the rocks

that break me

into song

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Words, I knew

had power

and then, I learned

they had beauty too,

formed the ground

for mystery.

I was

in love

not knowing then what comes to me now-

I’d found a faithful friend,

one that would

sit with me in pain,

dance across the page with joy.

In my heart we

ran away together.

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