And Now

the distraction

of vacation

begins to fade and

I am

once again wrapped

in the trappings

of my sorrow.


to look forward to?


to live for?

Husband , sons,

people who care for me-


it is so hard to grasp,

this motivation

to go on.

I don’t want to but I must

I must.

The feeling that

I no longer


that I don’t


permeates me.

I am forever


I am as different

from my former self as

day is

from night.

I am a balloon with

no air

no way

to stay aloft.

So empty.

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I know

I know

it’s time to be jolly

to buy and wrap presents



on and on.


my daughter’s in an urn.


(oh heavy friend)

is my whole wide world.

Even now.

Especially now.


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Grief is like that music you hear in the store,

always playing in the background.

And it’s the type of music you hate,

so no matter how hard you try,

you can’t ignore it, shut it out.

Some days, just because, I guess,

the volume is turned way up.

You feel the beat in your blood, your bones.

It’s jarring – to the point of being painful

and you wish you knew how to turn the volume down but

you don’t seem to have access to the controls.

In fact, you have no control over any of it.

That’s the harsh reality:

this horrible thing has happened because you have no control,

absolutely none.

The music plays on

and on.

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Grief, or notes from the journey

“There’s not much you can do that’s braver than to continue to live when your child has died.”

exiled from a world I loved, I am unmade

What other choice do I have but to move forward in this life I didn’t choose?

She started by saying “my daughter died…”

Then in starts and stops told the story, cried, shared her anger.

And when she was done said, “well, anyway.”

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and suddenly I’m

drowning in devastation

can’t come up for air

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inside I’m screaming

I don’t want her to be gone

dark despair fills me

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She Should Be Here

She should be here.

She should be sitting on the loveseat, drinking a cup of Good Earth tea.

She should be here.

She should be traveling, seeing new things, meeting new people.

She should be here,

loving and being loved by her partner, starting a family.

She should be here,

working, doing what she loves.

She should be here,

listening to music while taking her shower.

She should be here,

watching our favorite shows, watching sports, cheering for her favorite teams.

She should be here,

taking walks along the river, in the woods, on the beach; watching the sunset.

She should be here,

going out to eat, dancing with friends.

She should be here,

swinging on the porch swing, having deep and intimate conversations.

She should be here,

being the best sister ever to her brothers.

She should be here,

singing songs from Disney movies, quoting The Princess Bride.

She should be here,

losing at poker, giving it all away with the look on her face.

She should be here,

lighting up my world, loving life.

She’s gone but (and I’m screaming now)

She should be here.

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fire has stripped my soul

it came it destroyed, torched me

burned my heart barren

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