I have so much that is good and beautiful in my life. To name a few: I’m married to an amazing man and we have the privilege of being the parents of 3 incredible kids; I have a sister and brother who love me unconditionally; I have a small but priceless group of friends who hold space for me with kindness; and I have purpose.
So why “The 8th Hard Thing” you might ask. Well, it’s a long story and I will piece it together in future posts. But for now, I will give you a summary.
A few months ago, the blog title “A Treacherous Path Called Life” came to me. And while the words certainly ring true, it was, I don’t know, a bit dramatic.
Recently, one of my siblings was diagnosed with a serious disease. Now, my family of origin is no stranger to such events, but it just felt- like so many things before- like TOO MUCH. Too much hard, too much sad, too much pain. And yet life is asking of us to add this to the long list of what has already been endured. Thus, “The 8th Hard Thing” (though the number 8 is a symbolic rather than accurate adjective).
Please do not hear me say that my list of hard things is any worse than yours or that of someone you know. It’s not ever my intention to compare, or to minimize the suffering of someone else. The world is truly filled with stories of human pain.
My intention is however, to share my experience here so that we can walk together. So you won’t feel so alone. And neither will I.