standing, singing

With snow-laden branches

does the tree know

the cold doesn’t last forever?

because, though laden

it stands.

The river still runs and sings

though ice opaques its running.

does the river know

what now blocks the sun

will one day sing,

will join the water’s race?

Do I know

when laden and blocked

that this pain

may become my strength

my song?

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River Magic

Birthed of mystery

Embellished with streams and creeks and falls

I am stones- shiny smooth or

Velvet with moss

Branches overreaching

I am rushing wind and

Soft sultry dusk

I am water ouzel play-working

Wing-flap swimming

At times bright and brazen

The echoing screech of fish eagle

By season, I am somber

Then bursting

Pulsing then

Ablaze with startling scandalous scarlet and

Luminous gold

I am naked and not ashamed

All ripples then glassy sheen

Or dark and secretive

Sheltering fish from hook and line

I am rapids of whipping cream and

Ocean’s deafening swell

Yet also deep doldrums

At times unknowable

But brash and furious

I am constant

Changeless and

Born anew each instant

I speak in these many voices

Biding silence is not for this moment

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‘Tis The Season To Be Jolly?

Suicide. Suicidal Ideation. Suicidal Tendencies. 

Yes, the topic of this post is pretty much the opposite of our culture’s mandate for this to be a “jolly” time of year, the “Happ-Happiest Season of All.” Why? Because for some, for many, their (our) experience of this time of year is the opposite of that. And we need to talk about it; as individuals and as a culture, we need to talk about it much more than we do.

More than anything, I want to share with you someone else’s post on this subject. I have followed Therese Borchard for a number of years, first by reading her book Beyond Blue and then becoming an active member of a forum she started for people with mental illness called Group Beyond Blue. Therese shares from her personal life and is well- practiced on writing from the heart.

Here’s the link (you will need to copy and paste):

If someone, other than yourself, came to mind, while reading Therese’s post, please, please share it with them. More than anything else, someone who is suicidal needs to know: a) they are not alone and, b) they do not need to be ashamed. So please share!

I also encourage you to share it with anyone. Share it wide! Let’s make this a conversation we can have publicly with the goal of making it a subject that those who are suffering can discuss without fear of rejection.

I will share more poetry later (I have written more poems about this topic than any other), but just this, to end today’s post:

appreciate the soul

that hurts

when you think 

there’s nothing


in the air

nothing that 

pricks at

the heart.

Hold out

your hand


it is a kindness.

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