Technical Difficulties; Please Stand By

I had big plans to write a few posts this weekend but I’m too distracted by the aesthetics of my blog! Remember (if you read my post about my intentions for writing) how I claimed the aesthetics weren’t a primary concern? Yeah well.

I signed in on Thursday and saw what I imagine you see: social media icons before and after each post. Aarrgghh! I cannot get them removed. Not yet anyway. And it frustrates me because it goes straight to “what will people think?”. To me, it looks like I’m that little girl of years ago, the one who still lives inside me, jumping up and down and yelling, “Please share my blog!!”.

And I don’t want to look like that needy little girl. But I am that needy little girl. However, I rarely yell; it’s not my M.O. 

So, I will try to get those dang icons removed (and fix their layout on the home page), but in the meantime, I will write and you, if you want, can follow or share, or both!

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