Heart Wide Open

Here’s another piece from a few years ago. I recently had lunch with this friend. She will soon be turning 78 and she remains one of the most “all in” people I know.

I attended a meeting yesterday morning for my first time, with a friend. It was good. People were welcoming. After, my friend, 25 years my senior, asked if I would walk around with her, as Earth Day festivities had begun. So we did. It was good. She was so happy, so full of joy; taking time to speak to people at each booth when we stopped, getting to know their story.

Her joy was palpable as she exclaimed over costumes and danced alongside a toddler. She bought me gifts. She told me over and over how thankful she was that I had joined her, how much fun she was having. She talked to the children, listened intently to the adults, asked great questions, shared concern for the issues at hand. I learned a lot about how I want to be in 25 years: I want to be a story-listener, a joy-spreader, a smile-giver. I want my eyes to twinkle, I want to exclaim and express gratitude when I learn something new, I want to still be learning. I want past regrets to propel me to embrace all of life. I want to be surprised, astounded, amazed, excited, playful. I want to say thank you for each small kindness. I want to stay open. I want to touch other humans gently on the shoulder-to show I care-whether a young mother, glowing with vitality, or a filthy homeless man, bereft of dignity. I want to keep quarters in my purse for someone who might need bus fare, and spend my little on a friend just to see the joy of the gift received. I want to encourage and praise the good in everyone I meet, so perhaps, next time they look in the mirror, they may see goodness reflected back to them. I want to walk with a younger woman through an Earth Day fair on a sunny day, and turn to her, asking “Would you be my friend?”.

At the end of our two hours, my arms were aching- loaded with pamphlets and gifts; my heart was full. The mommy-hunger in me was quieted and I felt awe because I had seen the beauty of someone simply living with her heart wide open.

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