On Writing

So, I have a little issue with perfectionism. Well, a big issue to be honest. And I’m finding that it gets in the way of posting here. I have had times in my life when I just wrote. I would pick up a pen and write what was in my head and that was it. Done. Anymore, it’s like I have to go over every sentence with a fine-toothed comb, and at some point I completely lose track of what I wanted to say. It’s a very frustrating situation and, as a result, I don’t write or post much.

Now, I don’t imagine many of you who have read my blog, when you notice that the posts are few and far between, are laying awake at night wondering what the heck is going on. And that’s good. But I do, I wonder what’s going on. Perfectionism, that’s what. It has messed with me for as long as I can remember. So I say “no more!” At least for now, I will write and post and have less regard for what I publish being “just so”.

As a result, you may read something that doesn’t flow. Guess what? I read stuff online (and sometimes in books) that doesn’t flow. All the time. And I still can learn from what I read and be encouraged by it.

So there you go. My goal is to write more and worry less.

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One Reply to “On Writing”

  1. Interesting to know your thoughts on this topic of writing.
    I as well tend to be sort of a perfectionist, not just in my writing but in life overall. Often times I find writing to be quite therapeutic arranging thoughts, ideas that are extremely difficult for me to articulate in words, communication and engagement with others in conversation, a habit I have had all my life, finding it difficult to articulate thoughts to express to others is tough for an abstract, black and white thinker such a I. So when I write I find myself in a totally different world apart from the chaos and confusion this world tends to bring, a world all my own, putting pen to paper, a blank canvas awaiting ME, no arguments, no worries, no judgement, just write what’s in your head, no right or wrong or indifferent, and it really need not make much sense, which in most cases doesn’t. Writing for me is probably by far the best and most beautiful gift God has blessed me with, now don’t get me wrong there is much in the way of what God has blessed me with, friends, community, compassion and the awesome ability to lead, by the way the leadership part of me is not something I talk much if at all about, it just comes naturally when my walls are down. Lol.
    So with that I will end this on something totally unrelated and non sensical. Bob Goff in his book love does says it best, and that is simply well,. Love does. Thanks for your thoughts admin.

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