Prompt #6

Again I come to today’s prompt raw. I think it’s because my daughter’s memorial service is coming up this weekend and I’m dreading it. I’m imagining that after the service I will feel even more finality ; having the reality that she is gone sink in at a deeper level.

How to be kind to my sad self. A list:
Say no when I don’t want to do something.
Ask for alone time when I need it.
Say yes when my desire to isolate is hurting me.
Eat something.
Call my doctor for something to help me sleep. Take what is prescribed.
Perfectionism: give it up!
Try to spend time in nature. Allow the sights and smells in.
Cry without judgment.
Give and receive hugs.
Let people help.
Stay in bed. Take a nap or rest as wanted.
Be honest, even if you think people are tired of hearing it.
Write badly. Just get the grief out.
Light a candle
Take deep breaths (remember to breathe).

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