Prompt #23

“If I imagine you speaking, imagine you loving me through this, you would tell me…”

Please take care of yourself Mom. I know you’re very sad right now and it feels really hard to take care of you, but I want you to take care of yourself as you grieve.
Please let people love you. I know it feels easier to isolate, to spend time alone. But you need people. And, believe it or not, they need you too.
Spend time in Nature. Nature is so healing. Take long walks when you can. Breathe deeply. Feel the breeze on your face and think of me.
Try to listen to music. I know that this can be difficult when you are so filled with sorrow, but try to let the beauty of music wash over your tender soul.

Mom, I love you so much. I have always admired your strength and tenacity. You are strong enough for what life is asking of you.

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