Prompt #8

“The truth is, we all need a mentor.”
I certainly agree with the above statement. And, I don’t really have a mentor. I have found some help in podcasts, especially ones with David Kessler and, of course, Meghan’s books.
There is one woman in my life who suffered a horrible loss quite a few years ago now and she has reached out to me a few times. Hopefully we will be able to get together to talk some time soon.
There’s also a couple in our community, who lost a son a few years ago and they have offered to meet with us.

There’s a saying that says something like “when the student is ready, the teacher will appear”. I’m hoping that happens.
My therapist has also told me that there are therapists that just work with those in grief and she can refer me if needed.

So I guess there’s help out there, maybe even a mentor for me.

Some writers here have written about being their own mentor. I like that idea and am giving it some thought. 5 years ago, I lost my mom and then, 6 months later, my sister. So grief is certainly not a stranger to me but losing my daughter has taken it to a whole new level. I think somewhere deep deep inside, I know that I have the strength to do this, but 99% of me still believes I cannot survive this loss.

I came back to add that I find the Lord of The Rings encouraging. There are many instances where Frodo truly feels he cannot go on and do what life has asked of him. But with the help of friends, especially Sam, he is able to keep taking the next step.

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