Prompt #9

“Are there any berries?” These were some of your last words to me. I immediately thought of blackberries, your favorite. How desperately I wanted to give you some. Such a simple request. But it was too late.

And so it begins.
Purple. A reminder of you. (But isn’t everything a reminder of you?)
Your purple water bottle that always left the house with you.
The amethyst by your bed.
The new blouse you bought that time we went clothes shopping together.
My phone case, the one you bought for me, covered with purple flowers.
The sticker you gave me that says “first my mother, forever my friend”.
Lavender of course; a favorite scent. That time when we stood together at a lavender farm, surrounded by so much beauty. The pledge to each other to get matching lavender tattoos one day.
Now it’s too late.

The purple silk pillowcase that I didn’t want to wash.
The purple coat you handed down to me.
But most of all I think of royalty, for you are queen of my heart.

And now, the ribbons that surround bunches of lavender- decorations for your memorial service.
There’s the purple velvet bag that covered your urn and now lays in layers around its base.
But most of all, you. I just think of you.

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