Prompt #11

Grief lends
a sharp edge
to everything:
to my inhale
as if
the very air
the ability
to cut.

The rasp of voices,
birdsong even.
Scritch of a match strike,
sharp light of flame.

Smells, edged reminders,
slicing my heart anew.

Sleep too, with its
sorrowful dreams
can cut.

There’s no respite
because grief lends a sharp edge
to everything.

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One Reply to “Prompt #11”

  1. To fully understand my, our grief is to go through it.
    Then you can and know what one goes through.
    You can’t explain it, you can’t pretend, you can’t imagine.
    In order to understand ones grief FULLY!!! Is to go through it.
    Then you know the pain.

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